Sex, STIs, and STDs are often classified as a “young person” or “middle-age” problem. For the most part, this is true. The CDC estimates that 2.3 million Americans were diagnosed with STDs in 2018, with about a million others in the initial stages of an STD. Most of these cases were found in young-to-middle age brackets.
But new numbers show a startling increase in STIs contracted among the senior population (those 60 years and older). In fact, from 2014 to 2017, the rates rose 20%!
Scientists have several reasons for why this could be the case. For starters, many young people shoulder the burden of getting tested for an STI; if they suspect they have an STI, they get tested. Even though testing is encouraged, most people are embarrassed. This already-existing stigma against STIs in young people could deter seniors from getting tested, even when they think they have an STI. During routine check-ups, many doctors don’t think to check for STIs the way they do for younger adults.
Seniors are most likely to contract herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, and hepatitis B. There’s no shame in getting tested, and can only be to your benefit!
Finally, the same rules that apply to younger people apply to seniors: use condoms consistently and correctly, especially with new or casual partners. Condoms don’t just work for birth control; they protect the spread of STIs, too!
At Private Testing Center, we make it easy and affordable to get tested. Same Day appointments are available and with over 1500 locations nationwide, your closest location is only a short drive away. We understand your privacy is of the utmost importance and we assure confidentiality for every one of our customers.
Call us at 888.249.6716 or Schedule an Appointment today.