The COVID-19 pandemic is putting hookups on hold all around the globe. As scientists still grapple with how COVID-19 is spread, most people aren’t taking chances and have stopped having sleeping around. As this video reports, one recent study has found COVID-19 in semen:
Doctors are hopeful for this downward trend in STI infections, encouraging everyone to get tested for STDs before resuming their normal sexual practices.
“If we could test and treat everybody for their infections now, that would be a game-changer going forward as people slowly move towards normality,” said Dr. John McSorley, a sexual health doctor and president of the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV.
However, others are concerned that the break of sexual patterns could increase the stigma and shame associated with STDs and STIs. For years, health officials have been attempting to lower the stigma surrounding these infections through education and awareness in hopes that less shame will result in more testing and reduced infection rates.
With a renewed fear of viruses and infections, the pandemic could cause increased rejection and shame of those with STDs and STIs, crushing the progress made towards decreasing the stigma.
But there’s one thing that’s true regardless of lockdowns or pandemics: it is always best for your health to regularly check for STDs and STIs!
Private Testing Center is here to help with all your testing needs. We offer affordable and convenient testing in a constant effort to prevent the spread of Herpes, HIV and other STDs. We deliver fast results so any necessary treatment can happen quickly. Same Day appointments are available and with over 1500 locations nationwide, your closest location is only a short drive away. We understand your privacy is of the utmost importance and we assure confidentiality for every one of our customers.
Don’t leave your sexual health to chance. Call us at 888.249.6716 or Schedule an Appointment today.