A recent survey from Testing.com provides insight to America’s current STD crisis.
Some key findings include:
- 33% of women did not disclose their STD status to their partner, while only 20% of men kept their STD status a secret
- Those in the oldest age bracket (55+ years of age) were the least likely to disclose their STD status. 35% of those 55 and older didn’t tell their partner of a positive STD test.
- 82% of Americans aged 35-44 reported that they informed their partner of a positive STD test
- Disclosure rates were very similar amongst those aged 18-24 (70%), 25-34 (70%), and 45-54 (68%)
Additionally, 91% of individuals with a postgraduate education informed their partner of a positive STD result, while only 66% of those with high school education disclosed their STD status to the partner. 92% of those who earn $150,000 or more informed their partner of a positive STD test.
Testing.com offered some important advice for talking with your partner about STDs:
- Have the conversation before foreplay starts
- Begin by asking your partner what they like, don’t like, and anything they want you to know about their sexuality. Use this to transition into a conversation about STD status and protection
- If your partner discloses that they have an STD, find out how they are treating it, and what steps both of you can take to lower transmission risk. If you have an STD, inform your partner of your course of treatment, and agree to safety measures to lower transmission risk
- If you and/or your partner has not been tested for STDs recently, suggest getting tested together by using a home testing kit, or visiting an STD testing clinic
- Be respectful and non-judgmental
Private Testing Center is here to help with all your testing needs. We offer affordable and convenient testing in a constant effort to prevent the spread of Herpes, HIV and other STDs. We deliver fast results so any necessary treatment can happen quickly. Same Day appointments are available and with over 1500 locations nationwide, your closest location is only a short drive away. We understand your privacy is of the utmost importance and we assure confidentiality for every one of our customers.