In case we had any reason to wonder, a new study confirms that there is no connection between extreme pubic grooming and an increased STD risk.
The study conducted by Ohio State University included 214 women who completed a questionnaire on their sexual and grooming behaviors. 98% reported some amount of pubic grooming. 18%-24% were extreme groomers (they removed all pubic hair at least weekly during the past year, or at least six times in the past month).
About 10% of the women had tested positive for an STD, but with the confirmation of lab studies, discovered there was no link between grooming habits and sexual behavior.
“The study finding wasn’t a surprise because there’s no obvious biological reason to believe that shaving or waxing pubic hair would increase the risk of chlamydia or gonorrhea,” said Jamie Luster, who is now a researcher at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
While such confirmation is good news for whatever your grooming habits are, it doesn’t change the recommendations for how often to get tested for an STD.
For women, the CDC recommends getting tested once a year or when beginning a new sexual relationship. For gay and bisexual men, the CDC recommends getting tested every 3-6 months if you’re with multiple partners. Getting tested after a one night stand isn’t a bad idea, either.
At Private Testing Center, we make it easy and affordable to get tested. Same Day appointments are available and with over 1500 locations nationwide, your closest location is only a short drive away. We understand your privacy is of the utmost importance and we assure confidentiality for every one of our customers.
Don’t leave your sexual health to chance. Call us at 888.249.6716 or Schedule an Appointment today.