When you go to the doctor, you expect and trust them to know what’s best for you and what tests, if any, need to be run. But new rising evidence shows that doctors aren’t doing enough screenings for STDs.
“We know that doctors are not doing enough screening for STDs,” said David Harvey, executive director at the National Coalition of STD Directors. While funding cutbacks and patient ignorance of risks and symptoms of STDs contributes to the rising rates, Harvey lists the lack of screening as the leading reason STD rates are exploding.
Why aren’t doctors screening for STDs? Primarily, many doctors feel uncomfortable addressing sexual health with their patients, especially if the patient is an adolescent. Studies show that one-third of adolescents don’t discuss sexual health with their doctor at their annual visit. Oftentimes, the doctor and the patient are waiting for the other person to bring up sexual health. If it’s not brought up, patients assume they’re not at risk, or that sexual health isn’t an important issue.
More than simply avoiding an awkward conversation, doctors may have more pressing health concerns to discuss with the patient in the short appointment time, pushing STI questions to the back burner. Other reasons doctors forgo testing include they may not get reimbursed for tests and services, or may not know the latest protocol for treatment.
The bottom line, just because your doctor doesn’t bring up sexual health and STI testing doesn’t mean it isn’t important. Not all STIs have symptoms, but if left untreated, they can result in serious health complications or death.
So what can you do?
Get tested, and get tested often. Take your health into your own hands!
The CDC recommends getting tested once a year or when starting a new sexual relationship. Ask your doctor to test for STIs at every annual visit, but it’s always beneficial to test more frequently.
Private Testing Center offers affordable and convenient testing, in a constant effort to prevent the spread of Herpes, HIV and other STDs. Same Day appointments are available and with over 1500 locations nationwide, your closest location is only a short drive away. We understand your privacy is of the utmost importance and we assure confidentiality for every one of our customers.
Don’t leave your sexual health to chance. Call us at 888.249.6716 or Schedule an Appointment today.