We’re really glad you’re checking up on this article, but we want to be crystal clear right off the bat. If you’re sexually active and not in a monogamous relationship (only seeing one person), then you need to get screened. Full stop. No exceptions. Even if you’re not experiencing any symptoms.
“The majority of STDs—be it gonorrhea, chlamydia, or herpes—tend to be asymptomatic, meaning they don’t cause symptoms,” explains Khalil Ghanem, associate professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University. “So a majority of people who have these STDs don’t know they have them.”
1) Know the difference between “Testing” and “Screening”
Though the terms are used interchangeably, a screening is what happens when you’re not showing symptoms but want to get tested anyways. A screening usually checks for a large range of STDs and eliminates them all in one result, so you can have peace of mind about your sexual health. Testing is when you ARE showing some symptoms and you want to check for one or two particular diseases. There’s a difference between the two procedures. Private Testing Center has counselors that can help you determine what type of test to order. Our counselors are non-judgemental and super friendly and supportive, plus your conversation is strictly confidential. So don’t be afraid to go into detail about your sexual habits — any information you give us allow us to determine the best test for you. Call us today at 888.249.6716.
2) Private Testing Center’s testing methods aren’t painful or invasive. Urethra swabs? Miss me with that junk. All our testing is performed with either blood or urine. You get a little bit of blood drawn or you pee in a little cup and THAT’S IT. It’s never been easier, quicker or more convenient to get the answers you deserve.
3) You don’t have to do anything before the screening, and your results come back quickly. You may think you have to fast before your test, don’t drink, come first thing in the morning, or any number of other things that medical tests sometimes make you do. These are all incorrect. You live your normal day and show up whenever you like. The ONE exception is if you need a urine test, you just need to avoid peeing for about 2 hours before the test. That’s easy enough, right?
Private Testing Center offers affordable and convenient testing, in a constant effort to prevent the spread of Herpes, HIV and other STDs.
Our primary goal is to to educate people about the risks associated with unprotected sexual activity and also the importance routine screenings play in prevention and treatment of Herpes, HIV and STDs.
All of our testing is performed through the blood and urine. No pelvic exams, painful swabs or embarrassing visual exams are necessary, as blood and urine testing is the most accurate.
Our counselors are the most knowledgeable, honest and ethical in the industry. Feel confident knowing that you can speak freely to our counselors about any situation or issue. You will never be judged by anyone at Private Testing Center. We will always make sure the right testing is being done at the right time. With Private Testing Center, you can feel confident knowing that your test results will not only be fast, but accurate as well.
We understand your privacy is of the utmost importance and we assure confidentiality for every one of our customers.